Wednesday, January 25, 2012


A receipt in my jeans hip-pocket;
Professional fees paid for services rendered.
The needed reminder that someone, at least,
is in my corner today.
That old bully Self Doubt crept up from behind
and bitter tears began to well.                                    
I fished for a kleenex and hooked that
forgotten little paper from the week before.
Folded in half and then half again with the faint
scent of cedar, or is it lemon geraniums?
Who cares?
The fiery immensity of its meaning
melts words of gratitude into non-sense.
That thin little page ripped from
a booklet of a million more;
Representing mutual benefit, shared aim?
Who knows?
Tactile evidence of four seasons of intro-spection.
I had lost my way, too dizzy to find my bearings.
You lead me to the cross-roads and gently letting go
of my hand, let me know that any which way I chose
to go would be okay.
I turn and wave adieu, give a little pat
to the receipt in my pocket and continue on my way.
Services rendered, indeed, My Friend.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Oranges and Peas

A sag here and a bag there,
Everywhere some white hair.
FYI, that's NOT a wrinkle,
It's simply a laugh crinkle!                       
Mirror, mirror, looking-glass,
Please kiss my orange-peel ass.
Age-spots sprout up at will
I'm weak in the knees;
Regretfully not from the thrill.
Sweetheart, when you dismount from the couch
To raid the fridge for a snack,
Can you bring me a bag of frozen peas  for my back?
I think I pulled a muscle today during meditation
And it'll help ease the pain.
That reminds me, did you take your medication?
Oh, and while you're up Dear,
your falling hair has blocked the bathroom drain. Again.
Now where did I put my glasses?
Must you blame the dog whenever some wind passes?

All joking aside, we've had one hell of a ride
Down a long, bumpy road.
To you, My Love, my love is owed.
Though if we possibly can,
I'd like to arrange for a long-term installment plan?