Monday, July 23, 2012


I've been stung on the nose by a wasp
Whom, with my gardening did make quite cross
I swatted her hard as the tears rose to my eyes
God how I wish that little fucker dies!
The Benadryl has been administered 
And the Mr. Freezy applied
I am afraid I resemble Rudolph the 
Red Nosed Reindeer in July.
You may find my predicament preposterous,
But keep in mind what they say:
A tooth for a tooth,
A proboscis for a proboscis.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day's End

Some morning too soon my son will not rise;
Tears and pain will well in those green eyes.
What to do, what to say when asked
Why legs and arms no longer obey?
Will still so strong but the flesh weak;
Look to the horizon for the answers you seek.
Tendons, ligaments, muscle and their nerves will all shrivel
Like the withered roots of a plant parched by drought.
Faith and prayer metamorph as drivel
When the certainties of life are substituted for doubt.
Mother, nurture and tend this delicate soul;
It's the most and least you can do
In this situation so out of control.
The stares get easier to transcend 
While the stairs grow more difficult to ascend.
And still the last sunset creeps towards day's end.